Like the 1,000s of other pages of evidence uncovered and descriptions of crimes on this site, this web page is only one part of a massive multi-state entanglement of government corruption and cover-up. See size
1. FBI fix and framing.
1.1. While this is mostly about Paul Harold Doughty, former owner and president of First State Bank Altus OK, and his partner, Fred Don Anderson, charged in the criminal trial OKWD 5:15-cr-00085. Anderson copped a plea on one count, and a jury convicted Doughty on 10 counts of bank fraud and conspiracy despite the DOJ's (US Attorney General) efforts to undermine its case. There are issues the DOJ withheld from the jury (1.7)
It's a matter of Doughty and Anderson, the FBI's "Big Shots," made the most mistakes. They were concurrently involved in crimes in Oklahoma and Colorado and exposed both crimes by publicly boasting of their clever schemes. When victims in Colorado caught on and challenged (Aug 2007), the "Big Shots" hightailed back to Oklahoma so fast they left their server with financial records and emails in Colorado.
Evidence and emails found on the server:
1.2. Prowlingowl.com website used to expose corruption and cover-up became a target of the FBI and other's website retaliation.
1.3. The FBI's Confidential Informant (CI) framing was an act of Internet website retaliation. I had contact with four FBI agents and have the names of two other FBI agents who knew and two FDIC agents and know of another in the Oklahoma AG office. For the record, that alone is too many to know the identity of a CI.
18 US Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.
18 US Code § 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant.
1.4. Colorado bank fraud investigation. In August 2007 victims Altus Bank Group's crimes in Colorado captured the Altus Bank Group's server with copies of the group's emails and financial records. This evidence exposed the Altus Bank Group's crimes in both Colorado and Oklahoma(1.5).
The Bank Group and construction firm teamed up to steal the two landowner groups' property. To pull it off required multiple types and levels of crimes. View.
Level 1: Using a combination of bank loan fraud and mortgage fraud scams, in combination with construction liens, and then withholding the books from the two landowner partner groups.
Level 2: Smaller secondary crimes include more bank loan frauds, straw loan buyers, kickbacks, and appraiser fraud, and Denver CO Federal Court case 08-01211-ABC Mountain Adventure Property Investments, LLC v. FSB Bancorp, Inc., et al.
1.5 Colorado Evidence. View.
1.6. Colorado (MAPI) Part of evidence not included in the 2016 trial case OKWD 5:15-cr-00085.
1.7 Kangarooed Federal Criminal Trial OKWD 5:15-cr-00086. June 2016, former Altus Oklahoma banker Paul H. Doughty was convicted by a jury on 10 counts of bank fraud and conspiracy, despite the DOJ's efforts to undermine its case. Doughty's partner F. Don Anderson pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy.
Contradicting SEC Form D filings. SEC Stock and Form Ds.
18 US Code, Chapter 73 - Obstruction of Justice.
18 US Code, § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.
18 US Code, § 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or informant.
18 US Code, Chapter 95 - Racketeering.
18 US Code, Chapter 96 - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations.
2. Three-way Mutually Contradicting Versions of Crimes and Victims.
DOJ v FDIC v FBI, to cover their own roles first.
Some of the crimes and evidence withheld from the jury:
3. 2008 Nov. Quartz Mountain Aerospace (QMA) failed because QMA never received the $221 million claimed to have been invested in 2006. This was the third time the same crimes were exposed in less than three years. State law required the Oklahoma Tax Commission to recover not only these $66 million tax credits but other fraudulently obtained tax credits.
Instead, four boxes of counterfeit 2006 tax credits for tax refund claims filed in early 2007 mysteriously appeared at the Oklahoma Tax Commission. View. OTC swapped the counterfeit 2006 tax credits for gross production tax refunds (4).
OTC paid Altus Venture $96 million in gross production taxes for this claim, and Chaparral Energy had paid $15 million to Altus Venture/Affinity Ventures for $30 million of the tax credits. There is more to this (7).
These claims were kept hidden during the intervening period while the same tax credits were being sold and used in other ways (17) during the intervening period.
OTC emails show that during the period Nov 2008 to Jul 2009, OTC swapped $135 million in tax credits for at least $183 million in gross production tax refunds off the books. $14 million we can't account for totals $197 million.
Sub notes:
4. The Altus Bank Group was involved with 15 other similar groups and the Oklahoma Tax Commission (Nov 2008 - July 2009), exchanging counterfeit 2006 tax credits for gross production tax refunds. View.
5. Altus Bank Group. List of subsidiaries and affiliates. First State Bank Altus, OK. FSB Bancorp (bank holding company), subsidiaries, and affiliates, including Altus Ventures LLC, FSB Development Capital LLC, Quartz Mountain Aerospace (QMA), and Ethanol Products Group (EPG). EAS Completions LLC, Affinity Ventures. Affinity Ventures is owned by Robert McDonald, head of Capital West Securities (formerly Stifel Nicolaus). For more View.
6. The Altus bank was closed to cover-up July 2009, supposedly because the bank was $8 million off-balance. Bank reports show the bank had $91 million in assets and $99 million in liabilities. Bank regulators failed to account for $216 million in subsidiaries' accounts. The $156 million showing in the bank holding company's Federal Reserve subsidiaries report and $60 million gross production tax refunds paid Altus Venture during the bank examination, Jan - Jul 2009. View
6.1. Forensic auditors who only examined what they were allowed according to an FDIC agent. This was in response to my newsletter accusing bank examiners of overlooking the $643 million bogus bank loans (unused loan commitments) Paul Doughty created (Dec 2005) for six shell LLCs with no assets to use with fraudulent tax credit investment claims.
7. FBI's attempted bribery. After the OTC emails were uncovered, the FBI turned to threats to suppress reporting evidence of crimes in Oklahoma found in the emails and attempted to bribe my help framing innocent parties in Colorado for appraiser fraud. View. This was one of the three mutually contradicting versions of crimes. View
The FBI's threats to silence reporting evidence were found in the OTC emails; although some parts of evidence were previously reported, it was fraudulent claims filed after the 2009 cover-up that triggered the FBI's veiled death threats. The first threat was for bringing the BOK and Foxborough fraudulent claims to a meeting* with the FBI on April 28, 2010. BOK and Foxborough claims. The FBI had, from the start, asked for the evidence uncovered and other information but insisted evidence be sent via email. They would selectively use spam blocking to avoid it. After a while, I used another method that would verify if they accepted the evidence, and they didn't accept the evidence.
On April 28, 2010, the meeting at the FBI's new high-tech Norman OK office was lengthy, and a lot of issues were discussed. I have multiple reasons to believe we were being videoed, and the agent was being prompted by someone out of my sight. This and specific other details should not be necessary at this point and will not be revealed to anyone until they demonstrate they are serious about exposing corruption!
More on attempted bribery in the Colorado case, the FBI did not investigate. view. After the OTC emails were uncovered, the FBI's wanted me to help frame one of the Colorado victims and an appraiser for appraiser fraud in Colorado. The DOJ would later charge Fred Don Anderson, who would plead guilty to one count of conspiracy that included appraiser fraud. Anderson admitted to his role in appraiser fraud in court. The DOJ also accused the appraiser of not being qualified. The FDIC OIG agent's investigation report stated the appraiser was qualified. FDIC OIG agent's investigation report that contradicted the DOJ report was withheld from the jury. The FDIC OIG agent's report dated March 2016, View, was not filed in the case until Feb 2017, eight months after the trial by the defense attorney. There were ongoing issues with the DOJ and FDIC, and the FDIC's case files not being available for the trial due to what was reported as technical issues. The DOJ didn't want to delay the trial to wait for the evidence to be filed because of planned vacations.
8. 2006 new articles re Tax Credit Abuse Controversy. Altus Venture's $221 million Quartz Mountain Aerospace (QMA) investment claim. Claims uncovered revealed the $221 million was split between Altus Venture $200 million ($60 million tax credits), and Affinity Ventures $21 million ($6 million tax credits). Affinity Ventures filed seven other investment claims, including investing in Ethanol Products Group, in 2006. View. Affinity Ventures filed more tax credit investment claims in 2009 after the cover-up. Key News Articles Combined
In 2006, lawmakers covered-up by claiming unidentified attorneys (the now-defunct Andrews Davis Law firm) had found a loophole that allowed claiming bank loans as investments. Lawmakers claimed they closed the loophole with SB1577. View
FDIC bank report (Dec 2005) revealed the loans were fraudulent and part of $643 "unused loan commitments" Paul Doughty created for six shell LLCs with no assets. The bank's total assets were about $100 million and already at max FDIC loan capacity. The names and loan amounts were later verified by the bank that took over after the Altus bank was closed to cover-up July 2009.
5-11-cv-01221-JWL FDIC sued Andrews Davis Law and attorneys Matthew Griffith and Joe Rockett, claiming they gave Paul Doughty bad legal advice re loans in Colorado during the same time period circa March 2006. Andrews Davis settled out of court and paid a $600K fine.
OKWD judges recused, and the Andrews Davis case was passed off to the Kansas District Court. OKWD judges did not recuse in the DOJ's contradicting federal court case OKWD 5:15-cr-00085 US v Paul Harold Doughty & Fred Don Anderson.
9. Chaparral Energy created evidence of corruption after being caught off guard by the Tulsa World exposing Altus Venture on March 30, 2006. Late PM, March 30, 2006, Chaparral Energy filed an SEC stock filing amendment, declaring they had failed to report they had previously bought $20 million tax credits from Altus Venture at half-price. Chaparral later purchased another $10 million in tax credits at half-price. Chaparral had to continue accounting (SEC) for the $30 million until they used the last, Jun 2009. This serves as a critical element in following the money trail and is part of the evidence. View. More imperative, OTC swapped both Altus Venture and Chaparral Energy tax refunds for the same tax credits during the same period.
10. Recently uncovered, names redacted in the 1,500 blown-off Oklahoma Tax Commissions emails (11), that tripped-up the FBI's cover-up. These emails were for only five (12), of Oklahoma's 63 tax credit types (16), three tax refund types, and one 17-month period. Nov 2008 - Apr 2010, a significant time frame in Oklahoma Tax Revenue Theft.
11. The 1,500 blown-off Confidential Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) emails and confidential tax letter rulings that tripped-up authorities' 2009 cover-up. View.
The OTC emails were obtained by a State Representative using an open records request but were unable* is to request all 63 tax credit types (16). The State Representative requested the five tax credits structured for shared private investment funds. The emails also included three tax refund types used in tax revenue theft. The three tax refund types are lumped together as gross production tax (refunds).
What the FBI reacted to were two sets of emails showing even more egregious fraudulent claims filed Dec 2009, by Bank of Oklahoma and Foxborough, after the 2009 cover-up. View.
Later more 2009 claims were uncovered.
* Another screwy law that is enforced beyond the law.
12. Shared investment funds. The five tax credit types 68 § 2357.62, .63, .73, .74, .7, specified in the open records request, are structured for shared private investment funds. These are the more complicated investments.
This was the last in a series of open records requests where each request progressively revealed more evidence. 68 § 2357.62, .63, .73, .74 are the Capital Formation Incentive Act (CFIA) tax credits. 68 § 2357.7 is the Venture Capital tax credit; usage is restricted to Bank of Oklahoma and Cimarron Business Capital. There is much more complicated, and this was mentioned here hopefully to help avoid part of the confusion. Re: Tax Credit Types View
12.5 The five tax credits (16) structured for shared private investment funds are complicated, and evidence is reported in parts over time. The Federal and State reports contradicting investment claims are not the only evidence:
Multiple forms of evidence contradict investment claims (15).
13. Fifteen of Oklahoma 63 different tax credit types and three tax refund types. View
14. 1,300 hidden tax credits and tax refunds used by two special interest groups, mineral royalty-owners, and insurance companies. These represent two of five ways (17) certain (counterfeit) Oklahoma tax credits were monetized.
15. Counterfeit tax credits refer to tax credits taken based on fraudulent investment claims. We have uncovered multiple forms of evidence to prove View - evidence found in various federal bank reports and SEC filings, both stock and Form Ds. Evidence in state reports such as the investment claims OTC Form 518, 526, 527 that apply to five tax credit types structured for shared private investment funds (12), Openbooks, and OTC emails.
As a general rule, it appears federal reports tend to be accurate while state reports, if reported, were falsified.
15.1 Confidential Tax Letter Rulings (CTLR). One of many tools facilitate corruption and serves multiple purposes:
16. Oklahoma's 63 tax credit types see attachment. Tax Credit Types.
A. Five tax credit types structured for shared private investment funds:
Capital Formation Incentive Act (CFIA) and the tax credits swapped for gross production tax refunds.
B. Seven other tax credit types were used by insurance companies in lieu of paying Insurance premium taxes. View.
C. Two other tax credits involved are to be addressed separated.
D. These are generally referred to as Gross Production Tax Refunds (GP) Tax refunds.
17. Five ways certain Oklahoma tax credits (including counterfeit (15) were monetized (laundered). Or four ways other than using tax credits to avoid or evade paying state income taxes. Coupled with the fact Oklahoma tax credit claims were allowed to go undocumented, and no records were kept for who had used which tax credits. This allowed multiple uses of the same tax credits(3).
18. $5 billion uncovered for one four-year period 2006-2009.
18.1. Size totaling $3 billion for 15 (primarily seven) of Oklahoma's 63 different tax credits programs.
Note: Four of these five tax credit types (12) fell under the Capital Formation Incentive Act and were involved in swapping for gross production tax refunds. The fifth type Venture Capital 68 2357.7 is used to avoid/evade paying insurance premium taxes. View. Yet to be uncovered tax credits used to avoid/evade paying bank privilege taxes. More on five ways, tax credits were monetized. View
$3 billion-plus $2 billion more makes $5 billion for one four-year period. View
18.2. Another $2.1 billion state authorities used trying to cover-up, starting in August 2009. $2.12 billion state authorities diverted (stole) from 2009 Federal Stimulus Funds (earmarked for education and children's health care) and drained Oklahoma's Rainy-Day Fund. $2.12 billion was all state authorities could get their hands on, but not enough to keep Oklahoma out of a recessionary tailspin. View
18.2.1. $2.1 billion was all there was to steal without raising suspicions, and after authorities had already robbed funds from other budgeted items. The is theft started immediately (Aug 2009) after OTC had finished paying off (laundering the fraudulent tax credits)and FSB Altus was closed to cover-up multiple crimes.
19. The total uncovered is now 16,000 (18) uses of $3 billion for 15 of Oklahoma's 63 different tax credit types and three tax refund types (16), one four-year period 2006-2009.
20. Evidence of repeated cover-ups, failure to investigate, and manufactured evidence that eventually backed the DOJ in a corner. That led to the Kangarooed Federal Criminal Trial 5:15-cr-00086, the third of three mutually contradicting versions of the same crimes. (1.7).
21. The most drastic drop in oil price history, 70%, occurred from July to November 2008 View. November 2008, the last phase of tax revenue theft started when QMA, one of the fraudulent 2006 tax credit claims, failed prematurely. Actually, two different parties claimed to have invested a total of $221 million in QMA. Oklahoma was not collecting enough gross production tax revenue to pay the refunds, let alone fund the gross production tax share of the budget. Authorities pushing to finish pay-off by the end of FY 2009, had to divert funds from other programs. At the end of FY 2009, Oklahoma was $1.2 billion in the hole. Total revenue for the 1st Qtr. FY 2010 was only $1.3 billion. We'll get back to what authorities did.
22. The Altus OK bank was one of a rash of pending bank failures when Bernie Madoff "self-exposed" his crimes Dec 2008, one month after and one month before the Altus bank group was exposed for the second time each in Oklahoma and Colorado. Because of Madoff, the SEC, was publicly roasted, and bank regulators didn't want any part of that, according to one FDIC agent. View
23. 1981/82 and the FBI/DOJ and FDIC's missing Oklahoma National Bank fraud investigation. Missing, according to the FBI. Paul Harold Doughty was one of those accused by victims. Cover-up allowed Doughty to go back to work in his father's bank, where he would soon become president, then later took over as Chairman of the Board and president. During this period, Doughty was sued several times. Then, as now, Doughty and partners used their victims' money to fund lawsuits against their victims. Victims had little if any money left to fight. FBI's Missing 1982 Bank Investigation
24. These were not the first or last mistakes made by criminals and corrupt authorities trying to cover-up their own and other authorities' roles in protecting the same Oklahoma banker Paul Harold Doughty and his partners. Check out the evidence for what happened involving Paul Harold Doughty in 1982 (and suspect possibly 1981), 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2017. See Doughty's Cover-up History. View
25. 2010 August Oklahoman news article re the Russian connection funding US congressional election and FBI dismissed me as a Confidential Informant (25). The Oklahoman (Gaylord's tabloid rag sheet) stopped short of connecting the aforementioned to the 2006 cover-up.
26. FBI data breaches Oklahoma and other US-wide mistakes. The massive data breaches included the time frame of cover-up addressed here. The FBI is not coming clean. Given enough time, someone will find it all.
27. 1980/90's Era of the infamous Louisiana/Insurance Capco tax credit scams OK, TX, CO, and other states bought into.
28. Common ownership eliminates accountability. Altus Venture and Quartz Mountain Aerospace (QMA) are both subsidiaries of First State Bank, Altus, OK - the Altus OK Bank Group. Like most of Oklahoma's shared investment fund tax credit claims, one party controls all three legs. The Fund, Investor(s), and Investment Target(s). That's not good. No accountability and the state doesn't hold anyone accountable. That is only one of many problems.
29. Hidden, part of the crimes to cover-up: where tax credits were allowed to go undocumented, no records kept for which tax credits have been used by who, and no reporting, although required by law*. This allowed multiple uses of the same tax credits(3), and the evidence was found in the 1,500 blown-off Confidential Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) emails, combined with other blown-off evidence. View OTC Emails.
* Another example of selection enforcement of laws.
30. Russian Connection and Election Funding Connection. View
31. FBI Notes View
32. 2018 was the last time I was contacted by someone in a postion of authority that claimed an interest in the evidence uncovered.