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June 7, 2010
SEC letter - How BOK and Cimarron Business Capital obtained unearned tax credits (cont)
Critical evidence, tax commission emails
A state representative obtained copies of tax commission emails (redacted, typically excessively). View.
This information, until now held in strict confidence, was found in a January 2010 email from an Oklahoma Tax Commission auditor, Charles Robertson, to Dawn Cash, director of tax policy, who ignored the auditor. The auditor questioned two suspicious related claims filed by a BOK subsidiary, Cottonwood Valley Ventures'.
1) an amended 2008 tax credit claim,(c) claiming an additional $800 million investment, reportedly received more than one year earlier, from CVV Partnership, another of BOK's subsidiaries.
2) 2009 tax credit claiming $20 million in "Venture Capital" tax credits for $99 million invested in 2009, even though the program ended December 31, 2008. Cottonwood claimed the forgotten, $800 million invested in 2008, was still eligible.
Note: The auditor only addressed the matters within the tax commission's scope and not issues Heard had responsibility for, such as valid investment claims, as previously explained. See "How this occurred - difficult to imagine, yet documented!"
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